Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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Copyright (c) 1986 William T Morrison IV
You may copy and distribute this program freely, provided that:
1) No fee is charged for such copying and distribution
2) It is distributed ONLY in its original, unmodified state.
Address all correspondence to :
Bill Morrison IV
34762 Oak Ave
Inglside, IL 60041
Or leave a message on The Picture Bulletin Board - 301 588-9079
MTI (Phoenix Bulletin Board - 618 233-2315) - for getting me addicted to
MacPaint pictures in the first place.
Bruce Guthrie (SYSOP) at The Picture Bulletin Board - for convincing me
someone else might be interested in these programs.
Richard Byrne - for showing me that the HP Laser Jet does print nicely,
and showing me the error of my ways.
READ - Reads MacPaint format pictures, and displays them on a PC. The
program selects the highest resolution, from an EGA, Color or
Hercules Card.
WARNING, the program assumes that if you have a monochrome card
that it is a Hercules Card. The program gives no indication of
monitor type. This is fatal on a IBM Monochrome card, and you
have to reboot to recover.
MacPaint pictures should have the extension of .MAC, or so is
the convention. When the program asks for a file name if no
extension is specified, a default of .MAC is added. If a period
exists on the line the default is not used.
READ [/T] [filename]
/T - Timer: This causes the picture to be displayed for T seconds,
then exit. This parameter, if present, must occur before
the filename.
filename - Initial picture to be displayed.
Command available once a picture is loaded.
Movement of the picture:
UP DOWN Moves the picture 1 row at a time.
PAGE UP PAGE DOWN Moves the picture 10 rows at a time.
CRTL PAGE UP CTRL PAGE DOWN Moves the picture one half frame at a time.
HOME END Moves the picture to the Top / Bottom.
Other Keys:
E or ESC Exit the program.
L Load a new picture.
P Print the current picture.
S Set up the 'other printer' on the printer menu. This
will also save the current color settings as default
color setting.
For Color (CGA, EGA) users:
F1 - F2 Increment / Decrement foreground color.
F3 - F4 Increment / Decrement background color.
MACPRT - Prints MacPaint format pictures, without displaying them on a PC.
PRINTMAC [/T] filename
/T - Print the filename (without extention and path) on the
top line of the page.
filename - Pictures to be printed. May contain wild cards.
Both READ and MACPRT have the same internal printer table. This table is
near the end of the program. This is the format of the table should
modifying the table seem necessary. The file OTHER.PRT is one table
entry written to disk, 49 bytes long. This is the printer table format:
'PRINTER TABLE***' ;header
1 byte ;Type of printer:
1 laser
8 dot matrix (8 pin)
;Set up - 8/72 linefeed
1 byte ;Length of this print string
15 bytes ;Print string to send, zero filled
;Print Graphics characters (1)
1 byte ;Length of this print string
15 bytes ;Print string to send, zero filled
;Reset printer to normal
1 byte ;Length of this print string
15 bytes ;Print string to send, zero filled
(1) The count of bytes sent to the printer to make up one row is 576 for a
dot matrix (type 8) printer, and 72 for a laser printer (type 1).